Dynamic Stretching: What is it and Why do We do it?
Dynamic Stretching: What is it and Why do We do it?
As you know, before you exercise, it’s very important to warm up and stretch your muscles. Despite stretching playing such an important role in our exercise regimes, most people that hit the gym to train are guilty of skipping their warmups and jumping straight into a session without stretching. If you want to get the most from your workouts, you need to get into the habit of stretching before you exercise. This is known as dynamic stretching, and it is vital that you understand exactly what it is, and why it is so beneficial. Luckily for you, we’re created this handy guide today, looking at exactly what dynamic stretching is, and why it’s so beneficial.
What is dynamic stretching?
Dynamic stretching is essential before any form of physical exercise or exertion. When you perform dynamic stretches, you basically are putting your muscles, along with your joints, through a complete range of motion. Some people do this to loosen up stiff and tense muscles and joints, whereas others perform these stretches to improve athletic performance and assist with pain management. The idea behind dynamic stretching is that you perform stretches which mimic the basic body mechanics and movements of the sport or the activity that you will be performing during your workout. Soccer players for example, may perform gentle leg swings which mimic the motion of kicking the soccer ball, and activate the same muscle tissues and joints. Dynamic stretching basically utilizes movements associated with exercise, I.E squats, rotations, lunges, and so on, and turns them into stretches, rather than exercises.
What are the benefits of dynamic stretches?
Some of the most prominent benefits of dynamic stretching include the following:
- Prevent injury – One of the most important benefits associated with dynamic stretching is the fact that it helps to prevent injury. Stretching the muscles before exercise helps to lengthen your muscle fibres and increase their elasticity. Imagine a muscle fibre as a piece of string. Would the string be more likely to snap if it was loose and long, or if it short and pulled very tightly? The same principle applies to your muscle fibres. The greater their elasticity, the less likely they will be to tear.
- Increase core body temp – Before you exercise, it’s also important that you warm up. stretching before training means that you can gently increase your core body temperature, which will get everything working as it should.
- Improve circulation – Dynamic stretching is also useful for improving circulation. Stretching helps to boost circulation and blood flow in the body. This will improve your athletic performance as it means more oxygenated blood and nutrients can be delivered to your cells, including those found in your muscles, and give you more energy as a result.
- Improve mobility – Finally, dynamic stretching will also help to loosen up stiff muscles and joints, and improve your flexibility and mobility.